How To Deal With Emotions In A Healthy Way?

Emotions are not easy to handle but nothing is impossible. The best way to control your emotion is to learn to quieten your mind because if your mind starting controlling your body and the task you perform, then it may lead to a problem. You need to control your mind with all your senses.
When you learn to quieten your mind or you are controlling your mind, even for just a few minutes at a time, you are giving your mind a “re-boot” which allows you to softly direct your thoughts on more positive things rather than thinking about some negative things.
If you quieten your mind and hold the “intent” of wanting to focus more on positive things, then more positive thoughts will come and you will forget what negative thoughts are. When you have positive thoughts, you can get more specific on those thoughts and it gains positive momentum. Positive emotions follow. If you stumble across a negative thought, don’t get more specific on the thought but instead go general in your thinking again until you are feeling more balanced and a positive thought comes along again.
Here, are some of the ways to control your emotions.
1. Reflect on your own emotions
Reflecting on your emotions gives you a satisfactory answer. For example, think about how you typically respond when you read an email that makes you angry. Try to stay calm and focus on your work and read some positive quotes which help a lot to deal with emotions. Also, by identifying your own emotions and reactions, you become more mindful and can start to build control.
2. Ask others for perspective
If we ask others for perspective, it is a quite good way to focus on ourselves rather than thinking on some negative thoughts. As we see ourselves differently than others see us because of human psychology. Seek advice from a friend or close colleague on how you react when they’re emotional or sad or maybe depressed. The answers will help you achieve a more accurate view of yourself and also, help to deal with emotions.
3. Be observant
Being a good observer will be good medicine for your emotions. Armed with this newly acquired knowledge, you can be more observant of your current emotions. Self-reflection and thinking about what others have shared will help you to be more in tune with what you’re feeling.
4. The pause
“The pause” is as simple as taking a moment to stop and think before we act or speak which means an ability that’s hindered by factors like added stress. Practice pausing before responding to an upsetting email or if you fight with your partner or any other things which make you feel sad.
5. Focus on feelings, not events
Showing empathy means trying our best to see a situation through another person’s eyes. For instance, if someone is not getting success, tell them good stories and motivates them. Give them the advice to read blogs and quotes which will enhance their mood. We may not understand why they feel uncomfortable, angry, or hurt. But we can all relate to those feelings, and that helps us relate to the person.
6. Don’t take offense
Criticism is never easy to take, but when you receive it, there are two choices, You can let emotion get the best of you, or you can learn from it. Don’t let emotion close your mind to negative feedback. Use it to make you better. Try to see something positive in every bad situation.
7. Take deep sleep and do make meditation a daily practice
Sleeping is the most appropriate way to relieve stress and deal with emotions. You take it for yourself and see it. When we take a deep sleep, then we get a lot of relaxes and we feel better. Whenever you feel stress you get a good sleep. However, every person should take 7 to 8 hours of sleep in one day.
Meditation takes a few minutes to meditate every day. It will feel mental, emotional, and physical relief. By meditating, the person reaches into a different world, from which he looks beautiful in his world. Yes, when we are in meditation then we see our weaknesses and our strengths, which helps in improving ourselves. Meditation gives us a relaxed and the mind becomes cheerful.
8. Distance From Negative People
Always distance from negative people and you know who they are like, Always complaining, angry, criticizing, or negative. You don’t need that in your life when you are already feeling stressed and dealing with your emotions. Limit contact when you can.
9. Do Something Kind and Unexpected
Drop off some cookies to your neighbors, shovel their snow, or buy some groceries for a family in need for the holidays and leave them on their porch. Doing something for someone else, makes you feel good but also makes you feel a little gratitude, and makes stressors seem a lot smaller.
10. Take Some Me Time
Turn off your phone, escape for a bit and take an hour for yourself. Maybe actually read that book on the shelf, do a hobby like painting or something you feel like doing or you can watch that Netflix comedy special, or take a nice long bath. Whatever makes you feel relaxed and happy and something just for you and you only.
Lastly, Denying your true self is what causes depression, anxiety, and addiction. Being your true self is what causes huge success. I also believe that disregarding emotions isn’t the solution to a problem. Emotions were, are, and will be what differentiates us from computers or artificial intelligence. Cherishing emotions is very important, otherwise, you will find that your life is in monochrome.
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- How To Stay Strong Mentally And Emotionally
- How To Love Yourself
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