Selling Your RV For Cash: Common Mistakes To Avoid

When selling an RV, some common mistakes should be avoided. Unfortunately, many RVers selling a rig for the first time do a few things wrong. This can not only make selling an RV more difficult, but it can also put less money in your pocket and even expose you to being ripped off.
In this article, we’ll cover some of the most common mistakes first-time sellers make. However, if you have an older, beat-up, or hard-to-sell rig, your best bet is to sell it to a specialized dealer that will pay cash for junk RVs. They’ll buy them regardless of age, mileage, appearance, running or not.
Avoid These Mistakes When Selling an RV
There’s more to selling an RV than slapping a For-Sale sign on it and hopping for the best. To get the best price and easiest selling experience for yours, avoid these common mistakes.
Price It Correctly
A big mistake that some RV sellers make is improperly pricing their rig. Set it too high and you won’t get any action. Set it too low and you’ll definitely leave money on the table. Setting the price to match its true resale value is crucial when selling an RV privately.
An easy way to determine an RV’s value is to use one of the many online RV value calculators. Once you have a ballpark figure of your rig’s value, take a look at some online ads for similar RVs for sale. This will give you a good idea of what you can get for yours.

Clean It Up
Clean used motorhomes will sell faster and help sellers get the most money for their rigs. A well-organized and spotless RV gives off the impression that it’s been shown a lot of TLC through the years. Ones that are dirty and unorganized could raise suspicions about how well the engine and other components have been maintained.
Before taking it to a dealership, showing it to a private buyer, or taking photos for an online ad, clean it from top to bottom, inside and out. Vacuum carpets or mop vinyl floors. Ensure all the windows are spotless and put everything in its proper place.
Fix the Little Stuff
Rigs that have several noticeable little issues may not be a deal breaker when it comes to selling, but it will be a point of price negotiation. Savvy buyers will be quick to point them out, pushing you to lower your asking price.
It may be worth the money and the time to repair any small issues before you try to sell your RV. Although it’s expected that a used RV will have some minor problems, it’s best to fix that creaky door or cracked window before attempting to find a buyer.
Be Transparent
It’s never to a seller’s benefit to try and hide an RV’s issues when negotiating with a prospective buyer. Full disclosure before the sale is the best way to avoid future problems. If there is a not-so-obvious mechanical issue, it’s best to point it out prior to making a deal. At the very least, be clear that you’re selling the rig “as-is.”
Transparency works both ways. If you’ve saved all of your rig’s maintenance and repair receipts, do show them to buyers. Receipts for oil changes replaced parts, and other proof that you’ve maintained your rig can help to trigger a sale.
Get Paid Properly
When selling to an RV dealership, you probably won’t have any say over their method of payment. Accepting payment for your RV from dealers is rarely an issue since they have their reputation at stake.
However, you could run into numerous issues when being paid by a total stranger. It can be difficult to distinguish between a legitimate buyer and a scam artist.
As the saying goes, cash is king, and is the safest method of payment when dealing with someone you don’t know. Personal checks can be easily forged or counterfeit, and be leery of anyone firm about paying you with cryptocurrency or other unusual methods.
Selling Your RV for Cash Explained
If you’ve avoided the most common mistakes RV sellers make but you’re still having difficulty finding an interested buyer, you probably have a junk RV. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it looks like it’s ready for the trash heap. Good looks but high mileage could put a rig in this category.
The Bottom Line
The solution to this dilemma is to sell it to a specialized dealer who purchases all RVs regardless of age, mileage, or condition. They’ll offer you a fair price and some may even come to you and tow it away.