10 Ways Men Can Bounce Back If They Lose Their Job

It can be particularly galling to lose your job if you’re a man.
Of course, women suffer greatly when they lose their jobs; they’re often victims of misogyny, whether that’s overt or subtle, which is a problem that the world of work desperately needs to fix.
However, because men often suffer in silence when it comes to mental health, the loss of a job can represent a huge blow to a man’s emotional state, not to mention his financial well-being.
Thankfully, all is not lost if you’re a man and you’ve lost your job. Here are 10 ways you can bounce back and return stronger than ever.
1. Talk to your friends and family
It doesn’t benefit you to remain silent when you’ve lost your job.
You might be in a great deal of pain; your routine has been upset, and it’s common to feel lost, hurt, and potentially even betrayed by the loss of a job.
Don’t shut out those around you. Talk to them and bring them into your confidence. Tell your friends and family how you’re feeling and make sure they know you could use a support network right now.
You’ll feel much better knowing that there’s a safety net beneath you, at least from an emotional perspective.
2. Try to sort out your short-term financial health
Losing your job means a source of income that you may have taken for granted is no longer available.
When that happens, it’s important to try and rebuild some sort of financial stability while you look for another opportunity.
Believe it or not, looking into online loans can be a good option in this instance; you can pay the loan back once you’re financially stable, and it could help you to buy essentials like food or to pay your bills.
Naturally, you shouldn’t pursue this option if it will leave you worse off, but it’s a good thing to consider in the short term.
3. Start looking for new jobs immediately
Don’t let this momentary setback put you off looking for something new.
The quicker you start looking for new jobs, the more likely you are to find something sooner, and the lack of gaps in your CV will also be appealing to employers.
Use every resource and method at your disposal; don’t just search for jobs online. Try pounding the pavement and seeing what you can find on a local basis.
You’d be surprised at what might be out there waiting for you.
4. Work on your CV
Losing your job can also be a great opportunity to do some work on your CV, which may have been neglected for a while if you’ve been in your present position for several years.
There are several ways you can make basic improvements to your CV, and while they won’t take much time or effort, they could be the difference between getting a job and losing out to someone else.
Don’t be afraid to recruit help from family and friends to give you a fresh perspective on things.
5. Take up a new hobby
Filling your days when work is no longer available can be difficult.
That’s why you should consider taking up a new hobby or perhaps revisiting one you’ve always loved to see if you can rekindle the spark.
Learning a musical instrument could be a good option, for instance, or perhaps indulging a creative writing impulse you’ve never found the time for.
By doing so, you won’t just be keeping your mind occupied; you’ll also be building a valuable skill that could help you get a new job.
6. Make sure to get regular exercise
It might be tempting to simply sit around the house and not do very much when you’ve lost your job, but that would be a mistake.
Getting regular exercise won’t just help you to stay physically fit; it’ll also bolster your mental health, which is critical when you’re looking for new work.
Simply going for a walk around the block can have massive benefits when it comes to your well-being, so try to set aside a few minutes a day for exercise if you can.
7. Try volunteering
If you’re looking for ways to fill your day now that you’re unemployed, you could try volunteer work.
There are plenty of charitable organizations and nonprofits that are looking for volunteers to help them, and there’s usually a range of work available for different skill sets and strengths.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re not suited to volunteer work; you may just not have found the right opportunity for you yet.
8. Build a network
Going to networking events might feel like the last thing you want to do after losing your job, but it can be immensely helpful in finding new work.
Attending networking events and building a new network means more likelihood that someone will send a job opportunity your way, and it could be something you wouldn’t have heard about otherwise.
Look for events that are relevant to your industry and try to attend as many as you can.
9. Don’t neglect your mental health
As a man, you might feel like your mental health isn’t important, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Losing your job can be a good opportunity to get in touch with your emotions and build a deeper understanding between you and your mental health.
If necessary, you could seek out the aid of a therapist. The stigma surrounding therapy is unhelpful and unnecessary; you’ll likely come out of the process feeling stronger and more supported, thus helping you in your future work endeavors.
10. Don’t give up
Looking for work can be a demoralizing process. It can often feel like there’s just nothing out there for you, no matter how hard you look.
However, it’s important not to give up. The right opportunity is waiting for you; it can just take a little time to find it and recognize it when you do come across it.