Blow Up Holes…And How To Avoid Them (Golf Tips)

The first hole of the day or the hole after a good one, blow-up holes is inevitable. Even the best golfers make double bogeys (and worse), but limiting them is the key to success.
The Issue, Not Your Swing?
Naturally, a better and more experienced golfer will have fewer bad holes than a higher handicap player. In many cases, that’s what actually makes them better golfers. If two golfers hit the ball equally, but one has a better approach to the game, that player will consistently outperform the other.
Identifying the Problem
Inexperienced golfers spend their time hacking balls down the range believing this is the best way to lower scores. It’s not. Learning a consistent approach is the easiest way to eliminate unnecessary strokes.
For most people, those unnecessary strokes are what happen when you take risks, get too high, or too low. Mental fortitude changes this and prepares you to do the little things to become a better golfer. The little things prepare you to become a more complete player.
How to Change Your Approach
Assess your game by asking others for help. If you knew what you were doing wrong, you wouldn’t be doing it. For many, professional (golfer) help is the best way to go. There are video services you can pay for online, but these can be ineffective as the professional doesn’t really know your game.
If you want full service, an inclusive experience, such as attending a program like Bird Golf School is the best for your game. With these programs, you spend full days receiving individual attention on your swing and mental game that has an immediate impact.
It is only through a full assessment you can identify trends. That’s exactly what happens at a professional school. A one-hour lesson helps with your swing. A video review uses trendy tools to show its value. A school teaches you to play golf, a skill more powerful than anything else.
So How Do We Avoid Bad Holes and Major Let Downs?
- Create a pre-shot routine and stick to it.
- Do not try to find ten extra yards. Keep your swing the same every shot.
- Stick to what you know, and what’s made you successful.
- Reassess your game as the round goes on. If you’re struggling with the driver or a certain type of chip, find an alternative you’re confident in.
The more you play, the more you’ll be able to put these theories into practice. They say you never forget how to ride a bike, but you absolutely forget how to play golf.
Never taking a shot off is key to full-round success. If you are not locked in the entire round, you will falter and find yourself trying to recover from an out-of-bounds drive or approach shot into a bunker.
These issues consistently occur for golfers with a shaky mental game. Confidence is a great thing, but can also be the source of a major letdown. Give every shot the same amount of attention, your full attention.
Where the Bad Holes Happen
On the First Tee
First tee jitters are very real. While some don’t mind hitting in front of a couple of other groups waiting on the first tee, many do.
Take a second to yourself and go through your full pre-shot routine. Treat it as any other shot.
After a Good Hole
Do not forget what led to your good hole. A mid-handicap golfer does not become a scratch golfer after a few pars in a row. Do not start trying to aggressively shape the ball. Don’t attempt shots you’ve only seen on TV.
Humility and knowing yourself is the best way to continue a good round, not overestimating your own skillset.
After a Bad Hole
Let it go. A second bad hole means compounding mistakes and losing the round. By the time you reach the tee, you need to forget your mistakes from the previous hole. Some golfers can do this naturally, others need a way to distract themselves.
Take a drink of water, use your rangefinder to measure a couple of random things, and retie your shoes. Find a way to briefly focus on something else so you can reset and go into the next hole with a clear mind.
Take the First Step
Mental golf is not easy. If you’ve been trying to master these techniques to no avail, you should really consider game planning help from somewhere. A group of 20-handicappers won’t help you, but PGA pros will.
It is incredibly easy to spot flaws in the games of others, but not your own. Take advice and don’t be afraid to ask questions. While unsolicited advice is frustrating, seeking out feedback can be eye-opening.
Find clarity and your scores will drop quicker than pounding balls on the range and taking 4-footers on the putting green for hours.