What To Wear On The Golf Course: Do’s And Don’ts

Dressing for golf can be intimidating for a lot of first-timers. We know where you’re coming from, but we assure you there’s nothing to worry about when you follow the basics.
A lot of the traditional clubs still require players to dress accordingly on the course. While others are more lenient when it comes to this matter, it still pays to know the basics and avoid dressing too casually.
Some clubs may accept decent shorts, but you don’t want to be caught swinging in a casual shirt. It is also worth noting that where footwear is concerned, a tennis shoe may be as appropriate for the course as a boa golf shoe.
So, yes, there are quite a few rules to keep in mind when dressing for the golf course. Today, we’ll go over the things you should and shouldn’t wear when playing a round of golf.
Let’s start with what you should wear.
Do Wear #1: A Hat
It’s no secret that 18 holes can take a while to navigate. Not to mention, that would be too long a time to be exposed to the heat and rain without any protection. Imagine how much damage the sun could deal to your skin or how unpleasant the rain could be in that period.
A suitable cap or hat should protect you from the elements and let you enjoy your game of golf. Consider a hat for a sunny day and one for rainy weather.
Do Wear #2: A Golf Shirt
Any collared shirt that’s comfortable to wear should do. You don’t have to suit up in something akin to the expensive funky turtlenecks worn by the pros, as this would probably have you looking out of place at the ordinary clubs.
Play it safe and opt for the traditional golf shirt with a collar. You may choose one with short or long sleeves, depending on your preference and the kind of weather you’re playing in.
Consider the fabric, too. Quality cotton is comfortable and cool in general, but some synthetic shirts might be better for warmer weather and provide a cool effect in some conditions.
In most cases, you should wear your shirts tucked in.
Do Wear #3: Golf Shorts or Slacks
Decent shorts should grant you entry to most golf courses. We’re talking about shorts with belt loops and not ones with elastic or drawstrings. Cargo shorts should also be avoided.
A better option would be sacks or golf trousers. They come in all kinds of fabrics and designs, so you should be able to choose a pair suited to a specific weather condition without difficulty.
Bold patterns and colors are the trendier choices these days, but you’ll find that the more neutral styles are more versatile. Shorts should be just above the knee, and trousers should touch the top of your footwear to be appropriate.
Ladies can opt to wear a skirt or a skort, a short designed to look like a skirt. Other popular choices for women players are culottes, capris pants, and golf dresses.
Do Wear #4: Belt
A game of golf gives you enough to think about without your slacks or shorts falling down. Wear a decent and comfortable belt.
You may choose one with a bold design, such as one with contrasting colors, but make sure you have the physique to pull it off. Such a style generally looks good on slimmer individuals. If you don’t want attention drawn to your waist, pick a belt that does not match your trousers or shirt.
Do Wear #5: Socks
You’re free to follow your preference for this, but comfortable and moisture-absorbing socks should be the best choice. Also, to be on the safe side, stick to neutral colors like gray, black, and white since they would match almost anything.
Do Wear #6: Golf Shoes
When picking out golf cleats, avoid ones with old-school metal spikes, as these designs are no longer allowed in most clubs. Not only are spikeless, non-metal, or soft-spike options more popular, but they’re also comfortable and offer the best traction.
What You Shouldn’t Wear When Playing Golf
Here are some items new golfers are prone to wearing that should be avoided on the golf course:
- Unless you can pull it off, three-quarter or white-colored trousers should be avoided.
- Unless you want to draw attention to your waist, avoid a belt that matches your trousers or shirt.
- Too many colors
- Metal spiked shoes
- Trainers that don’t offer enough traction
Golf Do’s and Don’ts: The Takeaway
The main thing to go by is comfort. If you aren’t comfortable, then you won’t be able to play well or have fun. Your focus should be more on not making a fashion blunder than making a fashion statement. Basic is good; it’s safe and versatile.
If you insist on making a statement, at least make sure, the club you’re planning to play at will let you. Just check their website or give them a call to ask about their dress code.
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