How to Have a Healthy Relationship | Tips

How to have a healthy relationship. Let’s talk about “HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP”.
I will talk about relationships in general: with your spouse, with your children, with your parents, with your friends, with your neighbors, with your co-workers, with people, who are important to you.
I will share with you 7 tips about healthy relationships in your life.
Physical contact
Put your guard down and let another person enter your personal space. Physical contact like touch, hugs, and kisses. On average, every person needs 7 hugs per day.
How many hugs do you get? How many hugs do you give? So physical context is very important for a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP.
Open communication is the key to a healthy relationship
Share your thoughts, share your ideas, don’t be afraid to express yourself, share your concerns, and ask your questions.
Stop using general questions
Be more personal, try to avoid questions with “yes/no” answers or with short answers.
For example, instead of asking, “How are you doing” ask, “What did you do today?” When you ask a person, “How are you doing” the person can say, “Fine”. How was your day? “Fine”.
So in this way, you cannot create communication. So use questions that will require a full answer.
You can say, What’s new in your life? How was your trip? Instead of Are you hungry? You can say, What do you prefer for dinner tonight?
So create questions where people can tell you a story, and share something about their lives.
Listen and ask questions
Practice listening. A lot of time we don’t listen to our opponent.
When a person is talking, we’re thinking about our staff, our problems, our lives. So we aren’t involved in other people’s lives and that’s why we have a lot of miscommunication, so lots of conflicts.
The simple thing is just listening. When the person is talking, dedicate one to maybe three minutes of your life to listen to what the person is telling you.
Basically what I-statement means is when you are saying, I feel angry, I feel sad, instead of saying, “You made me feel bad, It’s your fault.”
So I-statement is when you’re talking about your feelings, not blaming another person.
Be grateful
Being grateful it’s extremely important. Try to say, “Thank you” to the other person and be a little bit more specific.
You can say thank you for spending five minutes making something for me or thank you for making tea for me. I appreciate you helping me.
And even if it’s something small, you can still say thank you. So tell the person how much you value, respect, and appreciate him or her in your life. Be grateful.
Do not underestimate the person
Be Supportive. We all need a person who is going to tell us, “I love you. You’re great. I trust you. You have amazing qualities, and I believe in you. You can do that. Go ahead.”
So if your friend, for example, is looking for a new job and maybe he or she is afraid or feels nervous about the interview, you can say something like, “Of course, you’re going to be a great candidate for this job!
You have amazing qualities. You’re an amazing person, Go for it!”
So we need someone who is going to support us and believe in us. So do not underestimate the person, opposite, and be supportive!
See the best quality, the best in your friends and your relatives, in your loved ones and your children.