5 Kinds Of Light Therapy And Their Benefits

During the 1920s, light treatments were increasingly popular among doctors, and many light therapy devices emerged that use diverse light delivery techniques to enhance patients’ health. Electric light baths and wooden cabinets with incandescent lighting along their walls were famous at the time.

In the early 1990s, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) started testing red light therapy on plants in orbit and eventually on astronauts’ wounds. NASA discovered that red light treatment might increase cellular function and counteract the consequences of living in zero gravity. NASA’s discovery of the medicinal potential of red-light therapy made it popular.

While natural light is good, various wavelengths and hues of light have varied effects on the body. Many studies have been done on light treatment, and it turns out that red and near-infrared wavelengths provide the greatest health advantages.

To learn about the different kinds of light therapy and their benefits, find out here.

1. Red Light Therapy

It’s a non-invasive treatment that uses red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to release low-level light that penetrates the skin without harming the tissue. Under the skin, friction and heat are generated by LEDs. This cellular energizing process increases the activity and reproduction rate of cells.

Furthermore, red light treatment increases the metabolism of skin cells. Each time a red LED divides a skin cell, it generates two new copies of itself. New cells replace damaged cells, slowing the aging process.

If you’re considering using red light therapy, here are some of its benefits:

  • Inflammation is often seen in patients with acne. Inflammation, oil production, and bacteria on the skin are reduced with red light therapy.
  • When using the red light treatment on the skin, collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production are all boosted. Wrinkles are minimized as a consequence of this treatment.
  • Red light therapy can reduce scar tissue by increasing blood flow and oxygenation in the area where it’s used.
  • It can help treat recurring cold sores more quickly and lessen the pain.
  • People with alopecia may use red light therapy to stop their hair from falling out.
  • This is commonly used in photodynamic therapy. A low-power red laser activates as a photosensitizer medication. It causes a chemical reaction that kills cells. It treats skin cancer, psoriasis, acne, warts, and other skin-related diseases.
  • The sleep-regulating hormone melatonin can be stimulated by red light treatment.
  • Red light treatment reduces discomfort and pain while accelerating recovery. Its anti-inflammatory effects can help with joint discomfort, arthritis, post-workout rehabilitation, and even post-surgery.

2. Infrared Light

Infrared light is not a visible light and has a longer wavelength. Infrared light therapy lamps produce heat and can benefit you in several ways, such as:

  • Infrared light can help you lose weight and stay fit. Red light treatment aids in fat cell elimination. Moreover, red and infrared light are known to affect fat-storing cells called adipocytes, causing fat cells to disintegrate.
  • It can relieve pain in the nerves, muscles, joints, etc.
  • It speeds up wound healing.
  • Infrared light boosts the body’s immunity against cancer.

Facial Light Therapy

3. Blue Light

Blue light treatment uses certain wavelengths of natural violet or blue light. Certain body parts are targeted by LED treatment devices. It also targets acne and discoloration by penetrating pores and hair follicles.

Additionally, some medications are activated by high-intensity blue light. The American Cancer Society describes photodynamic therapy as a way to kill malignant and precancerous cells. Blue or violet light can activate these photosynthesizing medicines.

Below are some benefits of blue light therapy:

  • Blue light at a high dosage can aid in the treatment of psoriasis. When patches, scales, or acute itching are so widespread that topicals don’t work, this therapy can help.
  • If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), you may have heard that bright white light treatment can improve your spirits during the dark winter months. Also, blue light can bring similar advantages.
  • Blue light exposure throughout the day can boost alertness, response speed, attention, and productivity.
  • Blue light therapy is specific light treatment for jaundiced infants. This light therapy makes excess bilirubin water-soluble, allowing your infant to flush it out. This helps your baby’s liver break down bilirubin and excrete it via pee and feces.

4. Ultraviolet (UV) Light

Ultraviolet radiation is deemed harmful to human health, as a result, its use has been drastically restricted. However, UV lamps can benefit you in some ways:

  • It can sanitize various goods, including food.
  • It can fight jaundice in newborns.
  • It also helps the body get the oxygen it needs.
  • It helps treat skin problems like eczema, atopic dermatitis, and vitiligo.

5. Green Light

Greenlight therapy prevents excess melanin from reaching the skin’s surface by inhibiting its formation in the dermis. Age spots and pigmentation can be reduced by breaking up existing melanin clusters using this light therapy.

The benefits of various light therapies will be enhanced by using greenlight therapy, which can penetrate and pass through the skin. Consequently, it’s most effective when used in conjunction with another kind of light therapy.


Light therapy may help with a variety of issues, both physically and emotionally. Colored lights come in a variety of spectrums, each with its own set of characteristics and advantages.

Ask your doctor about treatment alternatives if you’re interested in certain light therapies. Inquire if it’s suited for your skin condition as well as whether it’s safe and effective for you.

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