Think You’re Immune To Cybercrime? Think Again

Tech is a part of your everyday life. You play games, watch Netflix and use the latest Apple devices… You probably consider yourself ‘tech-savvy’, right?
Unfortunately, being a heavy tech user doesn’t make you immune to cybercrime. Cybercrime affects thousands of people in the UK each year, increasing by 40% compared to the 8% increase seen elsewhere in the world.
Cybercrime affects everyone, and that’s because scams and breaches are growing more and more sophisticated. So what can you do to make sure you’re properly protected?
Here are some of the steps you can take to boost your cybercrime protection.
Improve your cybersecurity awareness
Cybercrime isn’t just about viruses making their way onto your computer. Scams can happen through various means, including email, social media, text messages, and more. Even the shops you see advertised online may not be all they seem.
Increase your cybersecurity awareness to help you learn to protect yourself online. It pays to learn about the latest scams and the different ways you can improve your protection.
Make sure your digital protection is up-to-date
When was the last time you checked your internet security software? It’s important to make sure your software is not only valid but is up-to-date too. Regularly check you have the latest updates installed, or enable automatic updates to make sure your protection is always working for you.
Some internet providers will give you internet security software free of charge, but if not, take a look at the best security suites available to help you find a product that’s suitable for your needs.
Tighten your social media presence
Your social media is a great place to share details of your life with people you know. But it’s also somewhere where people you don’t know are waiting to use that information against you. Anyone can be targeted for their information online. High-profile individuals are being targeted through whaling fishing, with social media being a source of key information for criminals.
Do a little clean-up of your social media to help limit the information others can access. Keep profiles private, remove personal data and think twice about what you post. Do a search for yourself online and see the type of information that comes up.
Be a cynic when it comes to what you read online
One of the best ways to resist a scam is to be cynical about the things you read online. If you get a text claiming to be your bank chasing a missed payment, question it. It’s better to check the validity of something than to click a link and find out the hard way.
Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so keep your wits about yourself and don’t believe everything you see online.
New cyber threats are emerging all the time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared for them. Boost your protection and be cautious with your online activities to help you stay safe online and avoid becoming another victim of a cybercrime.