Weird Fashion Trends That Actually Exist

Fashion has many types and weird fashion is the strangest of them all. For instance, oversized clothes become comfier nowadays but along with this trend, many weird fashion trends came along.
I’m gonna talk about really unique and weird fashion trends that came into notice of me. Now let us head towards them.
Dyed Armpits
Yes, you read it right, dying ones armpit sounds really creepy. People wax, remove their hair but people have found a new but quite different, and out of the box thing to not remove but dye the underarm hair. People have started utilizing each and every part of their body.
Colouring hair was just a recent trend which has been now substituted with this trend, coloring armpits and not just a single color but different colored armpits, ombré, rainbow, etc ate also very popularly seen and followed as a trend.
Don’t know what next?
I am Rating it 2 out of 5, I did give it 2 out of 5 because it is a unique sense of fashion but really gross according to me.
Heart bangs
Now, this is probably a better choice rather a great one as to how cute it looks like. It is just designing one’s bangs into a heart shape which is super cute and adorable. If I’d bangs I would have been definitely on the list of the ones who tried this amazing trend. It not just gives your face and hair a new structure, definition, and image but is quite attractive and appealing.
I am Giving it 4.5 ratings out of 5 then, it will get 4.5 out of 5 as this is really cute and alluring.
Flower Beard
Now, this is uncanny. All the bouquet. A flower bed into your beard. I think that Real Gardners would definitely equip this trend. In a single sight, it isn’t bad rather wow expression deserving. But later you’d feel bored with the flower holder. I guess the idea is adopted by females wearing flowers all over their head as decor but that is quite exciting and delighting but this male version doesn’t really have a great competition but still isn’t that bad.
I’ll rate it 3 out of 5 as it is quite sightly but not a great deal for men’s fashion.
Aquarium Nails
Here comes my favorite one. How glamorous they look. A complete 3d and distinctive idea. Although there is a great variation in the 3d and 2d nail extension designs but this one’s an eccentric level of nail art. Simultaneously it is a bit funny as well, imagine yourself carrying a tiny artificial aquarium in a market, party, or so fish lovers have got really nice things on their nails.
I’d give it 5 on 5. It really stole my heart.
Eye Transplant
This trend is spine chilling. The first sight of it gives you goosebumps when you imagine the eye transplant in real. It would definitely have been a great pain task and The second thought that came to my mind is what would the level of difficulty in coping with a random stone or something kind of the same category.
I’d rate it 3.5 out of 5. Because although cool and swaggy but blood-curdling and probably not a safe and long term option.
Galaxy hair
Galaxy hair was huge in trend this year among the young men. These hair trends reveal the creative and bold side which I personally believe is quite interesting and good. People in the united states of America do follow this kind of trend more.
I’d rate it 4.5 out of 5 because I believe that it just kinda gives you wings to grow more.
Hangover makeup

Well !! who loves not to look good?
Everybody wants to look our best but some people like me are not talented in that department but weirdly a lot of shocking fails occur. Things like fake eyelashes, manicure fail and contouring fail are quite the hardest things to do. So, my suggestion is to remember if you are not confident in your makeup skills. you need to seek good advice and take help from professionals.
I’d rate 4 out of 5 because makeup is more extravagant so spend wisely on your skin.