What Are The Causes Of Facial Paralysis
When a healthy brain is functioning, it will send signals through the muscles soliciting a reaction. However, when a person is experiencing issues in the brain, there can be interruptions in their process, leading to varying degrees of paralysis. When the signals to the face are interrupted, paralysis may happen. This article will go over four types of issues that can lead to facial paralysis and will touch on symptoms that accompany the issues and options for treatment.
Strokes are caused by ruptures or blockages in blood vessels. These blood vessels carry blood to the brain and interruption of blood causes issues. Stroke can have an immense impact on the way the brain sends and receives signals sent to muscles throughout the body and face. There are three different types of strokes and how the issue arises.
Ischemic Stroke
This kind of stroke is the most common of all three types of strokes. This type of stroke may occur when a blood flow issue arises, generally, a blood clot and the blockage cannot flow through the artery. With blood flow cut off, blood won’t flow to the brain as needed.
Hemorrhagic Stroke
Hemorrhagic Stroke is a less common version of a stroke that requires an actual rupture with the brain. The rupture will cause leaks in the brain that brings added pressures to brain cells. This kind of pressure causes damage to the brain cells, causing the stroke to occur.
Transient ischemic attack
The first two mentioned above are considered severe strokes. There are smaller strokes that can occur and this is what a Transient ischemic attack is. Called a mini-stroke in many cases, the issue arises when blood is blocked for a shorter period of time, in comparison to a rupture or blockage that may block the blood delivery indefinitely. This sort of stroke is known to come on quickly and suddenly and requires medical attention immediately to help fight the issue accordingly.
Symptoms of a Stroke
Like other medical conditions, symptoms can show up in a wide variety. General weakness or numbness on one side of the face or body, arm, or leg can be felt before a stroke occurs. Confusion and difficulty speaking and even understanding others, along with vision problems in one eye or both are also signs. Basic motor skills can be symptoms, such as; having a difficult time walking, feeling of dizziness, and balance being lost along with coordination issues. Severe headaches have also been known to be a symptom prior to a stroke occurring.
Treatment of Stroke
Any level of stroke will always require medical attention by a doctor in a hospital setting. There are many varying levels of stroke and the medical staff will decide the level of treatment needed. Many times drugs will be administered to the stroke patient, while other times more invasive procedures may be needed, such as an operation. Many times an emergency operation is required to save dying brain tissues and stop the bleeding issues.
Recovery After a Stroke
Recovery from a stroke really is a touch and feel situation for most stroke survivors. Some people experience quick healing and can begin living a normal life in as short as a few weeks. However, the worse the stroke, the longer the recovery, and some patients take a number of years to recuperate to levels below the level of life pre-stroke. Many will overcome the symptoms and issues of the stroke. In other cases, patients may never recover fully and may experience paralysis issues for the rest of their lives, living with lifelong disabilities.
Bell’s palsy
Having a negative effect on the cranial nerve, located in the face, leaves the person without control over one side of their face. Being a neurological disorder that can come on suddenly and worsen in a very short period of time, even just a couple of hours. Issues such as not being able to close an eye on the affected side of the face and having half the face sort of droop are common issues. All muscles on the affected side of the face may not be controllable.
There are many symptoms for those suffering from Bell’s palsy. Pain behind the ear, stiffness in the neck, stiffness and or weakness in the affected side of the face, and a high temperature are all possible symptoms.
Lyme disease
Lyme disease happens when a human is a bit by a tick. The bacteria the tick carries is transferred into the human and it can lead to Lyme disease.
Symptoms of Lyme disease
Symptoms vary depending on the stages of infection a person may be experiencing. Most symptoms and signs of Lyme disease show up within 3-30 days of the bacteria entering the bloodstream. Fever, headaches, fatigue, muscle and joint aching, lymph nodes are swollen, a rash occurs, and a fever is present are all symptoms in the early going. As time goes by, symptoms can worsen and cause side effects such as; shortness of breath, dizziness, heart palpitation, pain in the muscles and overall body, neck stiffness, severe headaches, and even facial palsy.
Neurosarcoidosis is a chronic inflammatory issue. This issue happens when there is an excessive response in the immune system. Neurosarcoidosis falls under the umbrella of sarcoidosis and is a form of it. Most issues stemming from sarcoidosis occur in the lungs. However, with Neurosarcoidosis cases, the inflammation happens in the nerves, spinal cord, and brain.
Strokes are very difficult to understand and spot when they are occurring, however, there are a number of symptoms to be on the lookout for in a person who may be experiencing a stroke. Drooping or weakness on half of the face headaches, memory loss, seizures, behavior and mood changes and swings, agitation and irritability, and hallucinations are all possible signs of a stroke occurring. When witnessing any of these symptoms, be sure to call 911 immediately.
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