A Million Dollar Career In Garden Maintenance? What Does It Take To Start

If you happen to have a love for gardening and would like to take your skills and passions into a professional environment, a career in garden maintenance might be the ideal avenue for you to start exploring.
A woman named Christy Webber has $6 million worth of equipment, $20 million in payroll, and employs over 400 people.
It can be incredibly rewarding, creative, therapeutic, and even help to keep you fit and healthy throughout your working life. There are many details to consider, but you may already have the means, talents, and skills required for success.
Here are some tips and pointers you might wish to consider if garden maintenance sounds like it might be perfect for you.
Although gardening can be exceptionally relaxing, particularly in your own backyard when the sun is beating down on a glorious summer day, making a career out of it can often require a high level of fitness.
This is because you may often be doing several large jobs in a single day, even in the very same garden. There will likely be a great deal of lifting, digging, and planting involved, which can start to take its toll in the long term.
Moreover, it requires a certain amount of flexibility, as bending over on a regular basis can put a strain on the spine without preparation and sufficient exercise.
Sometimes, jobs will likely require some specialist equipment, and the price of that equipment can quickly become very expensive.
It is certainly worth it, however, provided you want to get the job done right the first time, in a fast and efficient manner, without sacrificing quality.
For example, top-tier commercial lawn mowers are a fantastic piece of kit that can make your life a great deal easier, and free up your time to spend on other tasks throughout the day.
It might also be worth investing in a van, as you may need to get rid of waste and debris on a regular basis. Plus, a vast array of tools can be hard to fit in a standard-sized car, and they may end up damaging your personal vehicle if they are not properly stored.
If this is out of your budget, you may want to consider either renting or leasing a van before you can get your hands on your very own model.
Finding Clients
Even if you are the best gardener in the entire universe, if you cannot find clients there is little chance you can make a career out of your excellent talent.
Starting off by making a website is a great idea, as growing a digital presence is important in today’s digital environment. There is no need to worry if you are not so tech-savvy, as making use of a CMS can help you get set up without any knowledge of coding.
To get your first few clients, it might be worth contacting your friends, family members, and neighbors to offer your services. This can allow you the chance to take pictures of your work to show to other potential clients, as having evidence of your qualifications for people to seek out is a great way of extending your reach.
It is also a great idea to encourage word-of-mouth marketing and to possibly start by looking for clients in your local area.
Unfortunately, passion alone is not always enough, and sometimes it takes years to transform a passion into a practical and functional skillset.
Thankfully, there are many online courses worth taking a look at, as this might open up new opportunities for you in the diverse world of garden maintenance.
Seeking out a course can also allow you to make exciting new contacts, and hopefully get some expert guidance on where to turn next.