Awesome And Inexpensive Ways to Improve a Proposal

You did the work of dating, sifting through countless profiles and sitting through countless first dates, and you have finally done it — you found the person you want to marry. Now comes the hardest part of all: asking them to marry you.
Proposals don’t have to be difficult. In fact, you should have a good sense of what your significant other expects from a proposal simply by knowing who they are and what they like when it comes to romantic gestures and displays of love. Still, you might want to give your proposal some extra oomph, and that’s where the following tricks and tips come in:
Plan What You’ll Say
Most people aren’t particularly articulate under pressure, and kneeling down to ask for your partner’s hand is certainly a high-pressure situation. You might be surprised how much your proposal is improved with just a little bit of planning, especially in the speech department.
Your significant other will understand what is happening as soon as you get down on your knee or flip open your ring box, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to say anything romantic or special. You should jot down a few memorable lines about why you want to marry this person; your own words are best, but you can pull from other writers (like Pablo Neruda or John Legend) if you can’t find the right sentiment. It is important to keep your significant other’s preferences in mind, too — most people probably don’t want an hour-long monologue while they are waiting to try on their engagement ring.

Choose a Scenic Spot
Countless proposals take place in intimate locations, like bedrooms and backyards, but if you want your proposal story to be something special, you should pick a scenic spot worth venturing to. You can select a proposal spot with personal connections, like the place you had your first date or shared your first kiss, or you can pick a spot that you hope to visit again and again. You might propose on a vacation, so you can have an excuse to travel to relive your proposal, or you might choose a spot based on a beautiful natural backdrop, like at the summit of a nearby hike or beside a waterfall. Again, think both about what you find romantic and memorable and what your partner will most enjoy because it is their special day, too.
Hire a Secret Photographer
Though you have been planning your proposal for weeks — maybe years — the actual proposal itself goes by in the blink of an eye. Even your partner might be so shocked by the experience that they hardly remember what you said or how they reacted. That’s why it is useful to have a secret photographer standing by to take pictures of you two before, during, and after you get down on one knee. You might be surprised by the expressions on your faces as you commit to creating a deeper connection, and you will undoubtedly cherish the physical tokens of this memory for years to come. Plus, you can use your proposal pictures in engagement announcements, on your wedding website, and more.
Pimp up your engagement ring box
For most engagement rings, they come in the standard ring box. However, there are engagement ring boxes that come with their very own ring light. Whether you’ve bought one of the flashiest diamond rings or not, having a little light in the box will make that ring sparkle once you open it up in front of your loved one.
Bring Snacks and Drinks
You don’t want to kneel down, hear the “yes!” and jump immediately back into your normal life routine. You and your partner need to spend some time processing the proposal and reveling in your love for one another. Thus, you should come prepared with your and your significant other’s favorite celebratory snacks and drinks. At the very least, you should bring a (chilled) bottle of sparkling wine or juice, so you can pop a cork together for a few fun photographs.
Have Fireworks on Hand
Is there anything more exhilarating as a celebration of love than a fireworks display? It is easier than ever to buy fireworks online and organize a personal show for you and your loved one. You might arrange with a friend to light off an aerial cake once your partner says “yes” to your proposal, so you can hold one another and watch the lights and colors together. Alternatively, you might keep some smaller fireworks in your pocket, so you can have some interesting props and backdrops for your proposal photographer to play around with.
Your proposal will be utterly your own, regardless of what you say or do. Still, if you want to make your proposal into a story worth remembering, you can take some of the above suggestions and think about how you might adapt them to how you and your partner experience love. Then, you can start building a marriage meant to last.