Biotin: Benefits, Usages, Side-Effects, Precautions And Effectiveness

What is biotin?
Biotin is additionally called nutrition B7, stimulates keratin manufacturing in hair and might grow the fee of follicle growth. It isn’t always saved for lengthy with inside the body – maximum of yours is from the ingredients you eat. To be effective, it wishes to be consumed. A perfect hair supplement and an excellent health supplement! It provides strength to the hair from roots. No more weak strands of hair falling here and there! Save hair from being stuck on combs with this tremendous savior.
What biotin does?
Biotin cannot be synthesized by human cells, but it can be produced by the healthy bacteria in our bodies. Unfortunately, being a water-soluble vitamin, it does not stay in our body for long and is most often passed out as urine. Therefore, it becomes necessary for us to have a sufficient intake of the vitamin every day. It helps in hair growth, nails problem, and any other hair-related deficiency.
What are biotin-rich foods?
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is responsible for energy metabolism. Vegans are generally at most risk of biotin deficiency. Following are the items that can help you get away with it:
- Organ meat such as liver or kidney.
- Egg yolk.
- Nuts, such as almonds, peanuts, etc.
- Soybeans and other legumes.
- Whole grains.
The amount of biotin may vary from food to food. So, be sure to read the nutritional value before consuming anything. This can help you select the item needed according to your biotin deficiency level. However, you can always opt for dietary supplements.
Health Benefits of biotin
Biotin is an essential vitamin meaning that your body needs this micronutrient to function properly. The biotin you consume in foods helps your body to turn the food you eat (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) into energy. Taking a biotin supplement is likely effective for treating biotin deficiency. But many health products boost other health claims related to biotin supplement consumption and many of these health benefits have not been supported by scientific evidence.
Other possible benefits of biotin include the treatment of brittle finger or toenails, diabetes, diabetic nerve pain, muscular sclerosis, and diabetic nerve pain. There is insufficient scientific evidence to know for sure if biotin can treat any of these conditions.
There are some benefits which are as follows
1. Hair strengthening
There is a strong connection between biotin and hair growth, and a biotin deficiency can also lead to hair loss. For this reason, many hair care product manufacturers are adding biotin to their products to combat hair loss, a problem many people suffer from.
2. Strengthening the nails
In much the same way that biotin helps hair growth, it also improves nail health, studies found. It strengthens the nail cuticle, preventing fragility.
3. Improvement of the complexion
Biotin has also been linked to improving the overall appearance of your skin, as well as rashes and certain pathological conditions. Like other B vitamins, biotin plays a key role in our hormonal system, which can trigger problems.
4. Help with building and repairing muscles
B vitamins are used to rebuild damaged muscle tissue, which is especially required after intensive training. Because of this, they are very important for building muscle.
5. Cholesterol
While it is not yet fully established, there are already studies in animals that show that biotin can help lower cholesterol levels, especially LDL (low-density lipoproteins), better known as ‘bad cholesterol.
6. Improve blood sugar levels
A special study found that cholesterol combined with another trace element, chromium, can help lower blood sugar levels.
7. Improve metabolism
Since biotin and other B vitamins are needed to convert food into digestible energy, it plays an important role in a healthy and effective immune system. Biotin helps convert glucose into carbohydrate sources and the body’s preferred source of energy, ATP, or glycogen if it is stored.
What are the side effects of biotin supplements?
Biotin supplements can cause problems if you ingest too much. Side effects can include skin rashes, digestive upset, problems with insulin release, and kidney problems. You should always check with your doctor before adding a new supplement to your diet. Your doctor may also provide more information about the dosage and let you know other side effects too. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, so any extra amount within your body will gradually flush out through urine. According to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine, biotin treatment was said to interfere with laboratory tests and mimic Graves’ disease. As with any supplement, the safety of long-term or high-dose use isn’t known.
Dosage and Effectiveness
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not established a recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for biotin. Although there is no recommended dietary allowance for biotin, proponents often recommend taking 2 to 5 mg (2000 to 5000 mcg) of biotin in supplement form daily to strengthen hair shafts and achieve results. Although biotin is a water-soluble vitamin), there is no evidence to support this recommendation and the safety of regular use of this amount isn’t known. As with other supplements, biotin hasn’t been tested for safety in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and those with medical conditions or who are taking medications. You can find out more about how to use supplements safely here.
Biotin deficiency can occur in people who drink alcohol excessively or consume a great deal of raw egg white. Genetic disorders of biotin deficiency, renal dialysis, and smoking may also increase your need for biotin. Since biotin is produced in the intestines, people with inflammatory bowel disease or other conditions that can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the intestines may not be able to adequately produce biotin.
If you notice any symptoms of deficiency, consult your health care provider. Symptoms include thinning of the hair, brittle nails, dry skin, a red scaly rash, conjunctivitis, depression, exhaustion, hallucinations, and numbness and tingling of the arms and legs.
Some FAQs about biotin
What can I do about thinning hair?
Thinning hair and hair loss can be very distressing. If you’ve noticed that you’re losing your hair or that your hair is thinning, it’s important to see your health care provider determine the cause. Hair loss, particularly in women, can have an underlying cause other than biotin deficiency, like nutritional deficiencies, androgenic alopecia (also called pattern hair loss), and hormone imbalances (such as thyroid troubles).
I think my hair loss is due to a biotin deficiency. Should I take a supplement to see if it helps?
Although you may be eager to halt the hair loss, taking biotin tablets or supplements without being assessed poses the risk that diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause will be delayed. Although biotin deficiency is considered rare, it can result in hair loss that can be addressed with supplementation. If you have symptoms of biotin deficiency or are thinking of taking it, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider to assess your levels and discuss what’s best for you.
Does biotin make my hair thicker?
While research has not shown that biotin can reverse hair loss, the supplement certainly leads to healthier and thicker hair. One of the top signs of a deficiency in this nutrient is hair loss. People who are at higher risk of a biotin deficiency include pregnant women, people with liver disease, and those who have difficulty absorbing nutrients.
Do celebrities take biotin?
Needless to say, almost all celebrities will do some form of workout. This helps them not only to look glamorous but also to burst the stress. Despite all the odds like untimely eating during the shoot days and all, they can maintain their hair in good condition.
Does biotin work?
Biotin works pretty well. As discussed earlier, there are several benefits of consuming this water-soluble vitamin. Before taking a biotin supplement, concern your issues with your doctor.
Does biotin reverse hair loss?
According to a 2017 review in the journal Skin Appendage Disorders, there is little conclusive evidence that biotin reduces hair loss, but it remains a popular supplement for hair, skin, and nail growth. Also, research reveals that biotin is added to the shampoo that claims to reduce hair loss.