8 Problems You’ll Be Dealing With As Newlyweds

After the wedding dazzle dies out, it is time to put in the effort and build a marriage. However, not most newlyweds are prepared for their first year living together.
Once you get married, the parameters of your relationship shift, and it might be a big adjustment for you both. Your connection will have to adapt to a new home and set up a new life together. Without a doubt, your first year sets a precedent for the rest of your life.
So, acknowledging these challenges allows you to deepen your connection and figure out your happily ever after together.
In this article, we’ll look at some of the obstacles that newlyweds face and how to deal with and adapt to them.
Problems Newlyweds Have to Deal With
- Identity Crisis
Marriage is a transition from being single to a team, and this might bring about a change in identity, especially for your wife. The responsibilities at work and home change, and you might have trouble striking a balance.
A steady relationship built on trust and support will help you deal with the changing structure of your life.
- Loss of Independence
Being married after years of being single will truly test your patience. It takes effort for a marriage to work, including adjustments, understanding, and sacrifice.
As a single person, you have the freedom to do whatever you want, socially and financially, and you don’t have to be answerable to anyone. Well, this will change after the wedding, and you’ll have to make sacrifices and compromises for your marriage to work.
It is important to understand that you’re now a team, and you’ll both have to participate in the decision-making processes. This realization will help you both compromise on your carefree pasts.
- Financial Issues

If we’re being honest, money topics are never comfortable, whether you’re dating or married. During your first year, you’ll have to adjust your finances and spending habits to suit your new relationship status.
It’s natural to have different takes on money and savings. What you consider a necessity might be a luxury to your partner. At the start, you might disagree and argue about money often before you get used to the ‘mine is yours’ mentality. However, it is important to have a discussion about your goals, both individually and as a couple.
Discuss your short and long-term goals, whether or not to set up a joint bank account, and then into the future, you plan on buying a house. These types of discussions allow you to establish your individual ideas and your goals as a couple, and they help you set the groundwork for your spending habits.
Remember, you’re working as a team now, and you’re both responsible for creating, setting, and following through your financial goals.
- Dealing with the In-Laws
The most common stereotype about married life is the persistent presence of in-laws you can’t stand. You’ve already experienced what it is like to interact with them in high-pressure situations, like planning a wedding. But this doesn’t mean your personalities won’t clash even after the wedding.
In such situations, it is crucial to keep all channels of communication open with your partner and let them know if you feel any tension. Always so respectful to your in-laws because they are your parents and family by extension.
However, it’s important to have boundaries on how much both sides of the family can input into your marital life. Have this conversation with your parents and in-laws, and clearly communicate what is and isn’t allowed in relation to your new life as a married couple.
- How to Spend Time
Spending quality time together is a great way to foster intimacy as a couple. But when you’re living under the same roof, spending too much time together might be toxic to your relationship. You might develop clingy behavior and unhealthy codependency, which eventually fosters resentment.
As the months roll on and you’re spending more time together, your wife’s quirks will start to drive you crazy, although you used to find them adorable and endearing.
To build a healthy and happy marriage, it is important that both of you exist individually outside the relationship. Don’t let go of your hobbies and pastime activities, and certainly don’t ditch your friends. Balance your schedules so you can intentionally spend time apart, and your marriage will last forever.
- House Chores

This might not seem like a big deal when you’re dating, but expectations will shift once you tie the knot.
Discuss housework and map out who does what and when. Balancing the chores ensures your partner is not overburdened, especially if they work similar hours to yours.
- Effort Goes Down the Drain
During the first year of marriage, couples become very comfortable with each other. You stop putting in the effort in fitness and personal hygiene, mostly because you don’t have to attract any partners. Not only is this bad for your health, but it also affects your relationship down the road.
Incorporate simple exercises into your daily routines, such as taking walks or jogging together. Also, stay clean and smell nice even when you’re not going out.
- Intimacy
As time progresses and the sparks start to fizzle, you’ll not always be in sync with your partner’s needs.
As you settle into married life and try to balance busy schedules as a couple, sex will continue to fall farther down the list.
However, it is important to make a conscious and intentional effort to rekindle your sex life. Although it might lack spontaneity, it is important to set aside time for sex as your married life progresses.
Queer Couples
Contrary to most stereotypes, LGBTQ+ dating in the US faces similar challenges to straight couples. They’ll have disagreements on issues such as finances, parenting, and so on.
True, some situations are unique to LGBTQ couples, and these issues can’t be handled the same way straight couples do.
The first year of marriage is filled with bliss and an equal amount of obstacles, and you’ll have to go through it all together. As you conquer these huddles, your bond will strengthen, and you’ll set a strong foundation for your new life together and the family to come.
Remember to communicate with your partner through everything, and always work as a team to build a healthy, happy, and life-long marriage.