8 Safest Exercises Your Partner Can Do During Pregnancy

Your partner’s pregnancy comes with lots of issues. If they’re not experiencing back pains, they probably have swollen ankles, or can’t even sleep. But did you know that light exercises can help improve these symptoms?
While exercises can remedy discomforts brought upon by pregnancy, not all are suitable per experts. It’s also important to know that different activities can be ideal for different expectant parents. As a general rule, before embarking on any exercise, ensure that your partner first consults their doctor and secures their permission.
For more information on what exercise activities are generally believed to be safe for expectant mothers and that you can help your partner with, continue reading.
1. Indoor Cycling
If your partner has been doing cycling exercises for the past six months before their pregnancy, you can encourage them to continue it yet at a slower pace. Indoor cycling is an excellent exercise for expecting mothers for they’ll be able to pedal practice pedaling without the risk of falling off or pressuring their knee joints and ankles that much.
It’s advised to check the equipment they’ll use. The handlebars should be more upright and not in a bending forward position too much to avoid extra pressure on their lower back.
However, ensure that your partner gets a break if they feel tired. If your partner finds this exercise too exhausting, have them switch to a more comfortable exercise and just resume cycling after birth. You might need to click here for more information on which exercises you can participate in together at home.
2. Walking
Walking is a straightforward and relatively safe exercise during pregnancy. To make it even more interesting, accompany your partner each time they feel like having a walk. Besides, you don’t require special equipment and instructions to participate in walking. All you need is to be healthy, some comfortable sneakers and you’re good to hit the road.
3. Swimming
Water aerobics and swimming are also perfect exercises for both you and your pregnant partner.
Wonder why? When swimming, you weigh lighter than on land. Therefore, you’re likely to feel more lightweight and agile. Also, when inside a pool, an expectant mother is more likely to be relieved of sciatic pain, nausea, and puffy ankles. Since both the mother and the unborn baby are floating together in the water, it’ll be gentle on her loosening joints and ligaments.
Nonetheless, ensure that your partner is extra careful when walking on slippery pool decks. Furthermore, a soon-to-be mom should avoid jumping or diving into the pool, but rather just proceed with stepping or sliding into the water. Diving might end up hurting the unborn infant. Additionally, as the pregnancy progresses, the mother’s center of gravity goes off, meaning diving into the pool is likely to cause harm to both her and the baby.
4. Running
While most people might think that running can be harmful to both an expectant mother and the child, it’s quite the contrary as doctors usually grant the go-ahead for exercises like running.
Anyhow, your partner shouldn’t be too fast if they aren’t used to running. It’s important to reduce speed as the pregnancy progresses as well. Remember, your partner shouldn’t continue running if it gets too strenuous for them – they can have a break and resume doing running exercises after the baby’s delivery.
5. Stair Climbing, Ellipticals, Rowing Machines, And Treadmills
Stair climbing, ellipticals, rowing machines, and treadmills are believed to be good exercises for expecting mothers. To start, help them adjust speed, incline, and tension rates to a comfortable level prior to the performance of each exercise. Remember that as the pregnancy progresses, the aforementioned exercises might become more difficult to perform.
6. Group Dance Or Aerobics Classes
Light aerobics and dance are ideal for increasing heart rate and allowing endorphins to flow if your partner is new in the exercise arena. Even so, as their abdomen enlarges, it’s wise to avoid physical activities that might require careful balance. If they’re a newbie exerciser, remind them to listen to their body and avoid physically-taxing activities, like heavy lifting, and not to exercise to the point of total exhaustion.
7. Yoga
Prenatal yoga is believed to be helpful to expectant parents since it might help them deal with changes that occur in the body during pregnancy. Yoga poses are designed to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility while enhancing breathing and relaxation techniques that might help get through labor.
Yoga can also help improve sleep and minimize lower back pain, headache, and nausea. Studies suggest that it can also decrease the chances of preterm labor.
8. Leg Lifts
Leg lifts are an excellent way to strengthen a pregnant parent’s abs and back. Assist them beginning from the knees and hands, then lift and straighten one leg behind until it’s parallel with the floor. Help them repeat this with both legs as the pace increases.
Exercises offer more benefits for pregnant women, from improving sleep to boosting mood to decreasing gestational diabetes. Although, as a partner, it’s important to know which exercises are suitable for your pregnant partner. If you don’t know the best exercise for your partner, you may visit and consult with a gynecologist for further advice.