What Are Candidates Looking For In A Future Employer?

In years gone by, candidates would do a thorough study of an employer’s website to get a sense of the skill they can bring to the company and anticipate any questions.
Now, the employee is taking a more measured approach and seeking to align themselves with employees who hold the same values as they do. If you have noticed this social trend as an employee, a candidate, or a talent acquisition specialist – read on to see what inclusions are attracting employees.
Environmental impact
It is not only oil, coal, and companies of this nature that should be disclosing their activity. Any business will have some impact on the environment, and employees are looking to find a company that has a minimal or neutral impact.
You can find out what businesses are environmentally ethical on the Sustainable Choice platform. As the workforce is introducing more millennials and younger generations, this focus intensifies and employers will not be able to attract the same talent without addressing their environmental impact transparently.
Flexibility is the new high salary, as it allows employees to conduct the lifestyles they choose without having to give everything they have to a desk job. Flexible working conditions are even more important to parents or individuals considering a family, or even someone who has health obligations.
This will look different for every employer, but generally speaking, flexibility will include working from home, flexible hours, and negotiable leave arrangements. If you are an employee who is capped by salary, consider attracting talent through beneficial flexibility.
Equality and diversity
Equality is something woven into just about every company’s profile, but actions speak louder than words. Is the company board made up of both women and men, across all ethnicities? Is there genuine career progression for part-time employees?
Are women given practical ‘return to work options after having a baby? If you’re unsure why you can’t find the right talent in your organization, candidates might be taking a deeper look at the people you hire and the values your company abides by. You should also add these anti-discrimination clauses and maternity options to your contract.
Continued education
Many employees will have a budget set aside for education and upskilling their employees. This keeps a workforce sharp, and it also sends the message to future employees that their career progression is a priority. Your employees are going to be less likely to find a new job if they have the chance of completing an additional certificate, qualification, or training.
If you don’t have the budget for such educational endeavors, you can work with your leadership team to arrange mentorships that will likely be well attended by your employees. Not only will you create great future leaders but it is also great PR to show the market you are committed to upskilling your team!
Transparency and co-design
Have you ever entered a role and felt like you had nothing left to contribute to it? Employees are looking to create a role that is based on their own view of the world and professional experiences. Allowing some feedback and co-design will mean that you have an extremely engaged workforce, as they have had a critical hand in setting up the role and its goals. This doesn’t mean handing over the reins completely, but it does mean being transparent and allowing your workforce to impart their own expertise to the role.
Did any of these insights surprise you? How does your business shape up against these new employee standards? It’s always a great idea to ask your existing employees for their insights too so you can better tailor an optimal working environment.