4 Scientific Evidence That Sport Is Good For Mental Health

To notice the difference, three half-hour workouts a week are enough. How does sport affect mental health? What do scientists think about this? According to a place live bet Kenya, sport saffect the state of mind, and there is much scientific evidence. In general, sports positively affect mental health, but there is also a negative effect, which we will also talk about.

Physical activity allows you to increase energy levels and feel more resilient and healthy. Also, training helps those who have weak willpower – they will enable them to develop this quality.

What are the positive effects of sports?

Increases the level of hormones of happiness

A study by the Mayo Clinic (one of the largest private research organizations globally) found that exercise increased endorphins and reduced symptoms of depression. At the same time, even three half-hour workouts a week are enough.

Learn to set specific goals and achieve them

Going in for sports, a person develops useful qualities for life, such as purposefulness and self-confidence. Sport is a combination of constant effort on oneself.

At some point, sports go from being a hobby to setting specific goals for yourself. For example, to gain specific body weight. And it helps to learn to set tasks for yourself in everyday life and complete them.

Couple running

It helps fight anxiety and stress

There is such a stress hormone as adrenaline. It gives a feeling of fear, anxiety, and an increased heart rate. Constant physical activity creates a glucose deficiency in the blood due to its conversion into energy. As a result, adrenaline enters the liver, processed to release glucose.

Dr. David Berceli has developed his method of dealing with stress and post-traumatic stress. In the muscles after injuries, zones of chronic tension can form, and Berceli created a system of exercises that help discharge the excitation accumulated in the body due to tension.

Reduces the risk of depression

It is important to note that sports are a great way to fight depression and prevent it. The British Department of Health found in 2010 that those who exercise every day are 30% less likely to be depressed than those who do not exercise at all.

How can sports be dangerous for mental health?

Athletes who have been involved in sports since early childhood have a slightly different perception of achievements and their bodies as a whole. They treat them differently than ordinary people. This is often a pragmatic attitude towards the body as a tool. What is essential is to train constantly.

The results in life, as well as his mental state, depending on the physical condition of the athlete. Any injury is a real drama, and it is tough to experience. Sometimes, failures on the sports field can lead to psychological trauma.

Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that sport has a mostly positive effect on the state of the psyche. This improves sleep and memory due to endorphins and more efficient functioning of the nervous system. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, regular exercise helps relieve fatigue because achieving small sports goals brings satisfaction and self-confidence.

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