What To Do After Buying A Home: The First Month

Buying a home, whether it’s the first or the tenth time you’ve decided to move, can be a protracted process.
Finding a property, viewing the home, getting to know the seller, arranging with the agent, getting a survey done, and finally signing the contract can take months, depending on the interest in the building, the quality of the sale, and the efficiency of the agency you’re working with.
But once you’re in your new house, you may think the hard work is over – surely you can relax now? Truly, the work is just beginning.
Right now you’ve got a lot to accomplish and you’ve got about 30 days to manage it; can it be done? If you’ve got a hardy checklist to follow it’ll be much more manageable. That’s why we’ve put one together for you down below.
Where Are You Coming From?
Buying a home is a little different when it’s your first time, compared to any other time after that. For example, if you’re coming from a rented situation you’ll have a lot more admin work to adjust to. But if you’ve owned a property before, this period can fly by without much issue.
So adjust your expectations accordingly. When you’ve never been a homeowner, you’ll need to take your time and ask as many questions as possible, especially if you’re moving to the other side of the country where living conditions may be very different to what you’re used to.
Get Your Utilities Hooked Up

Utilities can take a while to get connected, so you’ll want to do this at least a couple of weeks in advance. However, if the idea slipped your mind there’s no need to panic – you still have time to get it done! Many water, internet, and electricity companies are technology focused these days, meaning supply can be hooked up within 24 hours.
You may be without lights or wifi for a few hours longer, but you won’t go for weeks without these utilities. At the same time, take your own energy readings to make sure you’re not overcharged for this period.
Double Check the Survey Report
The survey you had done before moving in? Double-check it within the first week of living in your new home for damage that hasn’t been fixed yet. Minor issues, like a faulty light in the bedroom or a couple of cracked tiles in the bathroom, may still be in play.
These problems aren’t typically big enough for sellers to fix before a sale, and they’re often decorative in nature too. This means buyers will usually deal with them, though they shouldn’t be too difficult. However, you’ll want to get them squared away soon so you can enjoy your new space.
Discuss Your Home Protection Options
Now you’re moved in, you’ll need some kind of coverage over your heads that’ll keep your finances as healthy as they can be. You’re already paying for a mortgage, you may be paying to extensively renovate and/or redecorate your new home, and further issues could rip your bank balance apart. If you ever need to hire a trusted plumber in the future, you’re going to want some guarantee you don’t have to foot the whole bill.
That’s where warranties and insurance policies come in; you can have both, as they cover different things, but not all terms and conditions are made with your well-being in mind. Do plenty of research into the best companies, especially when it comes to price points and how they roll over. You want to start as low as you can and try to stay there, which means you’ll need a strong comparison.
Start Painting
Now all that is done and out of the way, it’s time to get painting! But make sure this is the last step in this overall process – the annoying tasks like those above need to be ticked off the list first.
Because once you start painting, you could run into a host of other problems that’ll take time and money, and you don’t want the responsibility list to have to get any longer. Choose your paints carefully, make sure they’re made of ingredients suitable for the room you’re in, and mix and match them with the color wheel in mind.
The first month after buying a home shouldn’t be too tricky when you know the important next steps. Create a list of what to do as soon as you know you’re moving and give yourself plenty of time.