10 Most Disliked YouTube Videos Of All Time

On Youtube, you can do just about anything you want, from unboxing your favorite Barbie doll to tweaking that ass, and everything in between.
And then, people are going to decide, whether they like it or not, by clicking the like or dislike button.
Here’s is a list of 10 Most Disliked YouTube Videos Of All Time
#11: Ghostbusters- Official trailer
The Internet rolled out its anti-feminist movement, with boycott threats, or should I say girlcott threats, sexist trolling and personal attacks towards the actresses of the film, all because its an all-female cast.
The video still till this day, has more dislikes than likes and had over 1 million dislikes before the film hit theatres.
#10 Nicki Minaj – Anaconda
I guess home girls got way too much in the trunk, cause a whole lot of people to hit that Dislike button, a whole 1.2 million people, that is.
#9 Miley Cyrus – We can’t stop
If you love that cute little Miley From Hannah Montana, too bad. So in June of 2013, she dropped her video
“We Can’t Stop” and the dislikes just kept on rolling in, and well, I guess they couldn’t stop, and it accumulated 1.2 million dislikes.
But it doesn’t stop there
#8 Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball
Also in 2013, Miley dropped this construction/ demolition tutorial. That took ball dangling to a whole new level,
unfortunately, the walls came crashing down, and it only added to Miley’s dislike campaign and added an additional 1.3 million dislikes.
#7 Jacob Sartorius – Sweatshirt
If you have a favorite sweatshirt, you might just want to touch it after watching this music video. Basically, somebody thought this kid, could be the next Justin Bieber, but someone messed up BIG TIME BRO.
Cause all the Autotune in the world, couldn’t do shit for this boy version of Rebecca Black, and it landed him 1.4 million Dislikes.
#6 Gangnam Style
Love him or hate him, there’s one thing you can’t do, and that’s to ignore him.
With his 2012 iconic Korean song called “Gangnam Style” PSY got worldwide fame. Gangnam style became “the most watched video on Youtube”.
The craziness went to that extent that the YouTube Counter broke and had to be reset with new and efficient codes for the new counter. But with all perks, Gangnam style also has a huge amount of haters, about 1.6 million haters to be exact, apparently, Psy just “Oppa Gangnam Style’s” on those bitches.
#5 Cortando O Botão Do Youtube
There is someone from Brazil called Aruan Felix who uploaded a video called “Cortando O Botão Do Youtube”, which literally means “Cutting The YouTube Button”.
In the video, he destroys his YouTube Silver Button plaque, given to him for reaching 100,000 subscribers. He breaks the frame and tries to cut the silver button with a knife. But when he couldn’t cut it by himself, he goes to a local body shop and gets it cut by professionals.
For obvious reasons, this video now has over 2.2 Million dislikes.
#4 Friday – Rebecca Black
If you want your eye sockets to hemorrhage, and the ability to not have children, then head over to Rebecca Black’s music video Friday, which now has over 2.3 millions Dislike,
Fun Fact: The song was actually removed from youtube in 2011, due to some disputes between the producer and the Black’s.
At that time it had about 167 million views and 3.1 Million Dislikes.
Later it was re-uploaded on Rebecca’s official channel and still managed to gain back about 2.3 Million dislikes in a short period of time. Those are some loyal haters if you ask me.
#3 Official Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare Reveal Trailer
Don’t mess up our beloved video game franchise, that’s the message 3.3 million fans sent when they disliked this reveal trailer.
Yes, I’m talking about The official Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Reveal trailer, which was uploaded in May of 2016. In just 6 months, the video was flooded with various hatred comments.
According to CoD CEO, Fans weren’t happy with a futuristic war scenario by sending soldiers into battles in space or using drones, which takes the player away from the gritty realism that the franchise was once loved
#2 Baby – Justin Bieber
How many of you still remember that annoying tune baby baby baby oooh?
On number one is Justin Bieber’s music video for Baby, which has a blood curdling believe it or not, Bieber has legions of “Beliebers” across the world, but regardless the Internet loves to hate Justin Bieber.
#1 PewDiePie – Can this video get 1 million dislikes?
Can this video get 1 million dislikes?
Well, the famous YouTuber just begs for dislikes in this video and with 3.3 million dislikes and it has to be one of the most disliked videos on YouTube.