11 Tips For Improving Your Mental Well-Being

Your mental well-being is much like your physical well-being: it won’t take care of itself. You’ll need to make a conscious effort to ensure that it can stay as healthy as possible.
Happily, while it can feel like the world is continually trying to impact your mental goodness, we also do know more than ever about what it takes to keep your mind in good shape.
In this post, we’ll run through several steps that anyone can take to improve their mental well-being. Any of them will likely have an impact on their own, but for the best results, look at bringing them all together.
Work Up a Sweat
Most people think that working up a sweat is primarily a way to benefit their physical well-being. However, that’s often a secondary benefit. Exercise has been shown to have a hugely positive impact on mental well-being, in large part because working up a sweat releases endorphins, otherwise known as “the happy hormone.”
It can also be an excellent way to relieve stress, which can also impact mental state. You don’t have to spend hours in a gym to get the mental benefits of exercise. Even going for a short 15-minute jog will be enough to lift your spirits.
Give Up Alcohol
There are a few misconceptions about alcohol. People often assume that it improves their mental well-being. However, that’s not always the case. While the occasional drink may be mentally beneficial — provided it’s in a social setting — if it becomes too much, then mental well-being takes a hit. Even “normal” levels of alcohol can function as a depressant if it’s consumed regularly.
You can give your mind and overall health a boost by giving up alcohol, either temporarily or permanently. If this is too challenging, then consider booking yourself into alcohol rehab; it’ll give you the tools you need to get a grip on your relationship with alcohol, which, it must be remembered, is a drug. If you don’t have a complicated relationship with drinking, then at least think of stopping for a month or so. You might be surprised at just how good you feel once the month draws to a close.
Spend More Time Socializing
It’s important to think of your own goals and ambitions and so forth, but keep in mind that we’re fundamentally social creatures. Studies have repeatedly shown that connection to others can lead to happiness, so it does pay to nurture relationships.
It’s easy for life to get in the way and to slowly withdraw from those around us, but it’s worthwhile making an effort to get together. Even small social interactions can do the trick. Remember that sometimes, you have to be the change you want to see in the world — rather than waiting for someone else to organize a social gathering, consider doing it yourself.
Improve Work/Life Balance
We know, we know — we all have to work to make a living. If all goes well, your job will provide the means for you to have a nice life. However, keep in mind that sometimes, our work can take over our lives.
If it feels like you’re always working, then it’ll be inevitable that your mental health will begin to take a toll. After all, you won’t have the time to do all the other things that are required to be mentally well. Sometimes, achieving work/life balance involves talking to your employer and coming up with an arrangement that everyone’s happy with. At others, it’s about analyzing your relationship with work, especially in instances where you find yourself constantly thinking about work even when you’re off the clock.
Practice Gratitude
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking about the things that we don’t have. It’s much more valuable to think about the things that we do have. When you break it down, you probably have a lot of things that you should be grateful for.
For instance, if you have a roof over your head, food in the fridge, and money in the bank, then you’re in a better position than 99% of humans who have ever lived. While it’s good to have ambitions and want to improve your life, don’t lose sight of the things that you have.
Remember, what you have now may well have been what you were dreaming of many years ago. Keeping a daily gratitude journal takes no time at all, and has been shown to have a noticeable impact on a person’s happiness level within two weeks.
Learn a New Hobby
Sometimes, our mental well-being takes a hit simply because we’re stuck in a rut. It’s all too easy to fall into a routine, and even if you were happy with that routine once upon a time, there’s no guarantee that it’ll bring everlasting joy. If you feel yourself getting into a bit of a rut, then look at mixing things up.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to start a new hobby, ideally one that’ll have you out of the house and meet new people. This could be anything, including joining an outdoor hikers group, joining a pottery class, or starting yoga. It’ll help to keep things fresh, and you might just make some new connections or learn a new skill in the process.
No one’s perfect. We all have aspects of our lives that we’re not thrilled about. Improving your mental well-being can involve making an effort to improve yourself, even in a small way. This works to give your mental side a boost in a couple of different ways.
First, you’ll be becoming a better person, and that can help to push you in a mentally-friendly direction. Second, you’ll gain a sense of pride that you put in the work required to become better.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Many a bad mood exists because of a poor night’s sleep. We’re all more grouchy and less pleasant to be around when we haven’t slept well. If this becomes a regular occurrence, then your mental well-being may begin to dip.
Some people think that they’re just cursed to have a poor sleeping routine, but that’s not the case — there are always things you can do to improve your sleeping habits! First, take another look at your bedroom, and work to make it as sleep-friendly as possible. Second, rethink your pre-sleep routine. It’s best to avoid technology and to engage in relaxing activities, such as yoga and meditation.
Treat Yourself
You don’t always need to be a hero. When you’re feeling a little lower than usual, then treat yourself — ordering from your favorite restaurant or buying a new item of clothing can be enough to lift your mood.
Make Fun Plans
It’s nice to have things to look forward to. But of course, this won’t happen all on its own. It’s best to have a couple of things on the horizon, which will ensure that even if today isn’t the best day, you’ll know that good things are coming.
Go With the Flow
Finally, remember that you can’t always be in control of your mood, and you can’t always get what you want.
Learning how to go with the flow will help you take the rough with the smooth, which can prevent mental health collapses when the going gets tough. It’ll pass, with time. If you struggle with this, then look at taking up meditation, which can help to put a small buffer between you and your mood.