Understanding The Holistic Approach To Dentistry

Is there a term like holistic dentistry? Of course, there is, regardless of how strange it may sound. Not everyone is aware of this dental subject. Nevertheless, think of it as an alternative to traditional medicine. Although it sounds new to some individuals, this form of dentistry has been around for some years as it has attracted many people from various walks of life. Any reason for this? Definitely. This form of dental care implements natural remedies in treating several oral problems while considering the individual’s entire health.
Since there is a dental technique as holistic dentistry, there is no doubt that there are holistic dentists. Who are these dental specialists? They incorporate ideal holistic methods to treat their patients. Some of them implement these practices, along with conventional treatment options. There is so much to learn about this form of dentistry from this guide.
Introduction to Holistic Dentistry
Not everyone may know this form of dental medicine by the name stated above. Nevertheless, other terms also describe it as well, including unconventional dentistry, natural dentistry, alternative dentistry, progressive dentistry, biocompatible dentistry, and integrative dentistry. But there is more to it—holistic dentistry factors in the relationship between oral health and overall wellbeing, and vice-versa. In other words, it includes an individual’s physical, mental, and spiritual lifestyle.
What Makes Holistic Dentistry Different from Others?
Although holistic dentistry deals with an individual’s oral health, like other dental practices, it is different in various ways. It is worth noting that standard dental care focuses on diagnosing and treating teeth, gums, jaws, and other related areas directly linked to the mouth. Additionally, maintenance techniques include flossing, brushing, and fillings.
On the other hand, holistic dentistry considers several procedures, like herbology, Ayurveda, nutritional education, homeopathy, spiritual healing, electroacupuncture, aromatherapy, and even hypnosis. Yes! That is right – hypnosis. Holistic dentists prescribe natural therapies to relieve dental-related problems. And there comes the question, do they perform root canals? In actuality, they don’t. The reason for this is that these specialists consider such a procedure unsafe for patients.
What Do Holistic Dentists Prescribe?
When it comes to holistic dentistry, biocompatible materials come into play. These substances are different from the standard items used in traditional dental care. It is worth mentioning that they have a direct influence on the human body. However, before implementing them, the holistic dentist runs some biocompatibility tests to determine the compatibility level between the patient and the substance, especially in areas concerning the individual’s body and immune system.
Furthermore, the substances are natural. Hence, there is little or no adverse effect after treatment. An endodontist may prescribe Chlorhexidine for gingivitis, whereas a holistic dentist will only provide the patient with an herbal mouthwash, herbal tooth powder, or neem toothpaste. Additionally, the specialist also propolis and composite fillings as holistic remedies. Even though mercury fillings are safe to use, holistic dentists believe that these materials are unsafe for patients. As a result, they steer clear from them. They also hold a different notion with regards to fluoride. They don’t subscribe to its usage.
What Risks Are Involved?
A holistic approach to dentistry is considered safe. However, there are some downsides, which may surface during or after treatment. The following individuals may not undergo this procedure:
- Patients with a severe dental problem
- Patients with a history of tooth decay
- Patients with chronic illnesses
- Patients placed under prescribed medications
It is a known fact that fluoride prevents tooth decay. However, the holistic procedure does not support this substance. As a result, patients may have more cavities. Furthermore, holistic doctors do not treat a dental infection with a root canal. On the contrary, they pull the infected tooth out to prevent further decay. Individuals who have chronic illnesses cannot be guaranteed any safety through holistic dental treatment. In the same vein, those who use prescription drugs may experience side effects if they undergo a holistic approach.
On the Brighter Side, There Are Merits as Well
Although holistic dentistry is a well-known dental practice, there is not much information in this area regarding efficacy, safety, and long-term results. However, it provides people with whole-health treatment, natural remedies, fluoride- or mercury-free treatment option, biocompatible materials, and alternative therapies.
But most people wonder if this treatment procedure is ideal for children. So far, there is no substantial evidence to back this claim. That does not imply that holistic dentists cannot work with young ones. On the contrary, they have extensive experience in handling patients of all age groups.
How About Insurance?
Interestingly, insurance covers holistic dental procedures; this centers on the coverage plan. Holistic dentists are known as “dentists.” As a result, individuals searching for their services will have to type in specific keywords to locate these professionals online.
It is worth mentioning that holistic dentistry transcends oral hygiene. It does not focus solely on the teeth, gums, jaws, and other areas of the mouth. On the contrary, it deals with the entire body as a single unit made up of several components and the connection established between one body part and another. Holistic dentists believe that oral health directly affects the entire body system and vice-versa, and they take an essential approach to treat various problems using natural remedies.
As discussed before, holistic dentists do not use traditional substances like fluoride and mercury fillings in treating specific dental problems, such as tooth decay or infection. On the other hand, they prescribe natural dental materials to treat these dental problems. According to these specialists, cavities are not normal occurrences. They don’t happen coincidentally.
One may tend to wonder if holistic dentists are quacks. Here is the thing. It is worth stating that both holistic dentistry and cosmetic dentistry are not recognized specialties. They are rather known as general dentists. However, it does not mean that they are non-professionals. Rather, they do not follow the standard practice, compared to the traditional endodontists. Contrastingly, they provide patients who seek a more natural approach to their oral health with safer, non-toxic dental procedures.
In summary, choosing the right holistic dentist can bring about a long-lasting solution to an individual’s dental problem. Patients can natural oral hygiene at all times.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.