How To Stay Healthy And Save Money As A Nurse?

Being a nurse, you are usually busy caring for everyone else. However, it’s important to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Whether it’s about managing your health, taking a break from work, or managing your finances, you barely take out time for yourself.
But you don’t need to worry anymore. This article will walk you through easy tips to practice to stay healthy and save money as a nurse, despite having a tough schedule.
#1 Staying Healthy:
Several studies conducted worldwide have revealed that more than half of nurses have a substantial number who never exercise. That necessitates the need for nurses to take care of their health.
Though we are fully aware of nurses’ extended job duties, you can develop the following habits to ensure physical fitness.
#2 Take Essential Breaks from Work:
Nurses have a busy schedule, with their shifts extending up to 12 hours. Additionally, many join post-graduation classes after a 10-12 hours shift to add to their knowledge and skills. Though it may seem like dedication, not taking any mental break leads to exhaustion and burnout.
A healthy way to combat workplace burnout is to create a work-life balance and take essential breaks when needed. You don’t need to take long vacations from work. Even a short break may help you develop a more positive outlook on life. Make a plan of utilizing your annual leaves wisely. Don’t waste them unnecessarily. Also, instead of joining an on-campus education, get enrolled in digital courses such as Online RN to BSN Degrees. This way, you will take breaks without compromising on your studies.
#3 Get into the habit of daily meditation:
Meditation is an effective way to get rid of stress in the workplace. Though taking out ten minutes during a hectic schedule may seem overwhelming to you, it can promote your mental well-being.
Meditating or even deep breathing in a quiet place positively affects the mood. Several studies have proven that meditation can help you get through difficult times by releasing relaxing hormones in the body. All you have to do is take out ten minutes away from your work duties and electronics and focus on your breathing.
#4 Hit the Gym or Swim:
Hitting a gym after working and studying for 12 hours may not seem like a good idea, but it’s vital for your health. Swimming and yoga have relaxing effects on your body and help you to stretch muscles that you don’t use at work. Similarly, sweating every day keeps your heart active and pumping. Just spending 30 minutes on activities such as gym, yoga, or swimming will help you fight several comorbid diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
#5 Less Coffee, More Water:
Being night shift workers, nurses are more vulnerable to caffeine. Taking too much caffeine can negatively impact your brain function and cause sleep deprivation.
On the other hand, consuming eight glasses of water every day is advisable to stay hydrated, control body temperature, and keep the metabolism active. Though it may seem daunting to increase your water intake throughout a shift, there are a few things you can do to improve your intake.
- Keep a refillable water bottle near your workspace
- Add your favorite fruit or make sparkling water to add flavors
#6 Saving money as a nurse:
Since you now know how to stay healthy as a nurse, let’s look at some money management tips to prepare yourself for the future.
Make a Monthly Budget
Creating a monthly budget and balancing monthly expenses are the keys to saving for the future. You will need to analyze your monthly earnings and spending to make a monthly budget. You should spend 70% of your earnings and save 30% from it as a rule of thumb.
In addition to keeping your money safe, budgeting will help you know where your money is going. You may need to rethink your lifestyle and reconsider your spending if you do not have sufficient funds to save 30% each month.
Set up automatic savings
A smart way to keep your money safe is to opt for an automatic savings account. Setting up for such an account will automatically draw your money from your salary account and transfer it into savings.
Another benefit of an automatic account is that you will not feel like sacrificing your wants. Rather, you will have enough funds to buy essentials without spending on useless things.
Don’t let your credit card debt build-up:
Credit cards seem like a convenient shopping option unless you watch the debts build up. If you want to take control of your finances, you should pay off any outstanding credit card debt as soon as possible. Also, you will lose your credit score if you do not pay the minimum every month, so it won’t be easy to get a good rate on any future car loans or mortgages.
Not paying off your credit card balance could lead you to confront a substantial amount of debt that accumulates month after month. Consider exploring options such as consolidating or joining a debt forgiveness program. If you are unfamiliar with these programs, this is where a lender or company will forgive credit card debt, leaving a portion of the debt left so individuals can pay it off either right away or with more manageable monthly payments.
Plan for the future:
Investing as soon as feasible in retirement pays dividends in the long run. Like many modern professionals, nurses can’t count on pensions when they retire. You need to start saving for those years if you plan on spending them in a certain way. A great tip here is to analyze your savings every six months and make changes in your lifestyle if needed. You may cut down extra expenses, invest in bonds or stocks or sign up for another savings account to receive interest.
Additionally, it’s a good idea to take advantage of any employer-matching contributions you have to a retirement account. The money goes directly into your pocket when you’re retired, leading to a lump sum amount for your old age.
Reduce your energy costs:
Perhaps you’ve never considered this, but making a few small changes to your home and lifestyle can help you save money on your electric bill. When not used, switch light fixtures and appliances and take shorter showers. Additionally, fixing leakages and installing motion sensor lights will help you save your household expenses.
Do nurses make a lot of money?
The average salary for a nurse is close to $65,097 per year. This comes to about 30.50$/Hour. After overtime, the total salary in the US comes out to $76,347 per year. Depending on the state you live in, the lowest amount that a nurse can make is $58,340.
Taking care of yourself is equally important as taking care of others. You should invest your time and money wisely to stay healthy and prosperous. With some easy yet effective steps mentioned in the blog, you can add a work-life balance to your busy life.