Redecorating Tips For Older Home Owners

What’s better than a fresh coat of paint on a wall or a whole new set of furniture?
For most of us, redecorating our houses is an exciting opportunity to try out a fresh new style or change the layout of a room, but for an older person, the very idea of redecorating and embracing change can often be quite scary and daunting.
Making the Home Theirs
Whatever your personal decorating ideas and tastes, you’ll need to ensure that your older friend or relative likes them before you get started.
Even modern care home facilities, such as signature care homes, embrace fresh and modern decor to help the home look less old-fashioned and more functional.
Here are three tips to enable you to help an elderly relative who may be nervous about redecorating, with special consideration for their age and life stage:
Start by Planning
Let’s face it: redecorating a room is a big task and one that can seem overwhelming to an older person, which is why it’s important to plan ahead and make sure you’ve got everything you need; otherwise, you could end up making your job even more difficult than it needs to be.
If you’re not sure whether your relative will like the new decor, you’re best starting by gathering some information to help you understand their likes, dislikes, and needs.
This way, if they do like the new look of their room, you’ll already have a good idea about what can be added next.
If necessary, show the elderly person a few examples of what they might like in order to get an idea of their tastes. You can then use this knowledge to buy or borrow furniture and other pieces that will suit their personality and home interior design style.
Make It Functional and Practical
Depending on the layout of their home and whether they have any mobility problems, you may need to be creative about how you arrange their furniture and accessories in the room. For example, if they have a problem with mobility, having a sofa or chair with arms will be easier than one without.
You’ll also need to consider other practicalities, such as whether they can get out of bed independently or whether they will need access to their bedside table at all times; otherwise, the room may end up looking quite cluttered.
If possible, try and make it work for both day and night time use. For example, consider having a place where they can sit and read during the day yet have the option of lying down in comfort at night.
Think Carefully About Lighting
Simply changing one lightbulb isn’t just about safety for older people; if their vision is impaired, it’s important that soft light is used rather than harsh fluorescent lighting that may cause them to see poorly.
Use the correct lightbulbs and bulbs. If they have some difficulty seeing colors, have a look at LED bulbs. They last a lot longer than traditional incandescent lights and don’t cause headaches.
Color is an important aspect of any interior design, but when you’re trying to redecorate an older person’s bedroom, you have to remember that color and bright lighting can be quite traumatic for them if used incorrectly.