Top Personal Finance Accounts to Follow on Instagram

Instagram sometimes has its detractors, but it can also give people access to resources and information that can be invaluable.

Some of the most practical resources that the platform gives us access to focus on finance tips and money-saving advice. This is especially timely right now, as many people are trying to find ways to better handle their spending habits during the lockdown.

If you’re looking for ideas about how to manage your finances and cover the costs right now, here are some accounts that are offering some useful financial advice.

Personal Finance Accounts


This account shows how living frugally doesn’t have to be dull. From tips on how to budget properly to information about the art of saving, frugal_me_free is dedicated to helping followers take charge of their finances. There’s also advice on how to manage debts, along with clear explanations about the link between making a budget and getting out of financial difficulty.

Go Fund Yourself

Alice Tapper’s Instagram account is an educational whirlwind of information shared across numerous grid posts, IGTV videos, and Stories. She breaks economics and finance down into easy, relatable chunks and offers hacks to help you save and invest more wisely.

She also covers major issues such as the gender pay gap and the ethnic pay gap, again creating informative content that helps followers see where the discrepancies are. This is the go-to account to help you feel more confident with money.

My Frugal Year

If you’ve been finding things financially tough recently, you’re not alone. Money worries can cause huge amounts of stress if left unchecked. Clare Seal’s account covers finance and wellbeing and how the two are linked. She understands that talking about money problems can be hard and invests time in advising on how to clear debts.

Clare has recently launched Mindful Spending Month, which includes things like daily prompts, live talks about money-related topics, and resources that are designed to help you get to grips with your money habits.


Like other accounts featured so far, Clevergirlfinance started out life as a frugal living account, however, Bola Sokunbi introduced investing, growing your wealth, and building financial resilience to her saving tips and tricks.


It’s possible to enjoy life on a small budget and this account shows you how it’s done. This feed includes tips and ideas covering how to enjoy the current trends for a fraction of the price, including frugal fashion and beauty. You can even use it to bag a budget wedding.

These accounts all provide advice and inspiration to help you save money and get on the road to financial stability.

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