5 Questions That Patients Have About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

It’s not unusual for dentists to recommend the removal of one or more wisdom teeth. While the reasons vary, they are usually aimed at increasing the odds of avoiding future dental issues.

Patients who are faced with a decision about removing their teeth often have questions. In fact, in case you need to get your wisdom tooth pulled out, one or more of the following questions are likely on your mind right this minute.

When Should a Patient Have a Wisdom Tooth Removed?

There are several reasons why a dentist may recommend removing a wisdom tooth. One of the most common has to do with overcrowding. Simply put you have one wisdom tooth too many, and that will affect all of the wisdom teeth over time. To alleviate the issue, removing one of them is the most practical solution.

For patients who have reached adulthood, the presence of an additional wisdom tooth may have already caused some of the teeth to be out of alignment. Before attempting to straighten the teeth, removing one will create the space needed to even out and realign everything. Doing so does more than improving the look of the teeth; it will also help reduce the risk of inflammation and damage to the rest of your teeth.

What Should Be Done Before Arriving For the Wisdom Tooth Removal?

There are several things you should do before the day to remove the tooth arrives. One is to go over all of your medications and supplements with the dental team. The goal is to determine if any of those prescription or over-the-counter products could cause complications during the removal. For example, anything that thins the blood may need to be avoided the day of the procedure, and possibly the day before.

Anyone who wears makeup, including lipstick, should avoid use until after the procedure. In like manner, it’s a good idea to not eat heavily in the hours prior to the procedure. If you have any type of stomach upset or even a sore throat, let the staff know in advance. These simple precautions will help ensure the removal can go smoothly.

Wisdom Tooth extraction

Will the Removal Be Painful?

You’re not likely to feel anything during the actual procedure. The area will be deadened and you may receive some light anesthesia or other form of sedation. Many people report that they have no recollection of the actual removal, or remember any type of discomfort.

The type of anesthesia or sedation used will depend on the projected complexity of the removal. The dentist will know what to expect based on the X-ray results. This makes it easier to select the type of precautions that will keep you comfortable for the duration of the procedure.

Can The Patient Drive After the Removal of a Wisdom Tooth?

Depending on what sort of sedation is used, you may or may not be able to drive once the procedure is over. When you received light anesthesia, or if only deadening the area around the tooth was needed, there’s a good chance that you can drive yourself. When some more intense form of sedation is used, it’s better to leave the driving to someone else.

Your Dentologem Westfield dentists will provide guidelines based on your individual circumstances. Keep in mind that if a complication does arise, it may be necessary for someone else to drive even if you originally planned to get yourself home. For this reason, it never hurts to have a loved one come along and be prepared to drive if the need arises.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Wisdom Tooth Removal?

The most pronounced discomfort and potential bruising will be present in the days immediately after the procedure. You may also expect some swelling for a couple of days. Typically, those few days will be the worst of what will happen. It’s possible to manage the discomfort and the swelling with a combination of pain relievers recommended by the dentist, and the use of cold to help reduce the swelling.

Even so, be prepared for it to take up to two weeks before things feel normal again. By that time, the sensitive gum tissue around the socket will be the same texture as the rest of the gum, and the area won’t be especially affected by exposure to hot or cold beverages.

If you have any other questions about wisdom tooth removal, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist. Doing so will help you feel more comfortable about what is to come.

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